The National Park Service and partnering agencies will offer internships during the summer of 2012. Internships are for ten (10) weeks, at forty (40) hours per week and in Washington, DC except where noted. Stipends are issued based on a rate of twelve dollars per hour. Exact starting dates will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Please visit? more information and application instructions.
National Park Service Internships
2204/2205/2206. Archeology Program: Works with the Archeology program as a research assistant on small research projects, databases, resource protection, and related projects. May assist in developing materials for archeology training and researching and developing educational materials for archeology outreach in parks and programs. May work on aspects of Web development, including links verification and technical editing (400 hours).
2207/2208.Park Cultural Resources Program: Works with all divisions of the Park Cultural Resources Program (Archeology, Ethnography, History, Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes, Museum Management) to collect, write, and synthesize information Servicewide about cultural resources and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Duties may include writing case studies; developing educational materials; organizing office records; and collecting pertinent reports and other information (400 hours).
2209.Park History Program: Works with the Park History Program primarily as an assistant on a variety of research projects related to American history, the history of the National Park Service, and cultural resources management. Projects may include the anniversaries of the Civil War and the War of 1812; the maritime history of the US; development of oral history training materials and oral history projects; and management and design of Web sites. May also assist in organizing and cataloging office records and archives and creating educational materials for history outreach. Position is a good match for students in history, anthropology, folklore, and American studies (400 hours).
2210. Pacific West Region, Park Cultural Landscapes Program: Provides assistance to the program manager in the coordination and development of the program, including resource identification, treatment and maintenance of cultural landscapes. The internship will contribute to the development of web-based training and reference materials and the integration of cultural landscapes data with the NPS facility maintenance database. Located in the NPS Regional Office in Seattle, WA (400 hours).
2211. Park Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes Program: Provides assistance to the program manager of the Park Historic Structures and Cultural Landscapes Program in managing the program library of academic, professional and published reports, books and papers on historic structures and cultural landscapes related topics. The project will involve organizing, cataloging, archiving and data management of the collection (400 hours).
2212. National NAGPRA Program: Working with NAGPRA staff, assists with the various databases maintained by the National NAGPRA office, including the Culturally Unidentifiable Native American Inventories Database as mandated by the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 (NAGPRA), the Culturally Affiliated Native American Inventories Database, and the Summaries Database. Duties include review of inventories and summaries previously submitted by museums and Federal agencies; data entry; and cross-checking of electronic records. Other duties may include providing assistance with Federal Register notice processing; digitizing records; and organizing information from the databases for various reports. Knowledge of or an interest in Native American issues and anthropology desirable. Familiarity with Microsoft spread sheet software, data collection methods, and good organizational and time management skills required. Experience with databases a plus; training will be provided (480 hours).
2213/2214. Heritage Education Services: Working with HES staff and a variety of organizations and professionals in partnership with the National Park Service (NPS), assists in preparing and posting NPS Discover Our Shared Heritage travel itineraries and/or Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) classroom lesson plans and other materials on the NPS web site. Duties include developing content; conducting research; editing; carrying out work to post itineraries and/or lesson plans and other TwHP program content on the Web; updating and improving the program?s Web sites; and promoting HES programs and products. Other duties relating to the work of the office may include assisting with a Youth Summits project and conducting research for an administrative history of the National Register of Historic Places. Knowledge of historic preservation, heritage tourism, or heritage education and education in a related field desirable, as are good writing and research skills and experience or interest in learning how to program Web sites (400 hours).
2215. Museum Management Program: Assists with collections management and documentation projects at the National Catalog archives for NPS museum catalog records and the NPS Clearinghouse. Duties include creating archival electronic and hard-copy back-up copies of museum records; assisting with updating files and computer records for museum loans, deaccessions, transfers, etc.; packing and shipping museum records, supplies, and handbooks to parks; assisting with annual museum inventory; and assisting with Integrated Pest Management in the National Catalog?s Clearinghouse collection, including assisting with collecting data and entering into IPM computer program. Located in Harpers Ferry, WV (400 hours).
2216. Museum Management Program: Working with Senior Curator, assists with updates to the National Park Service Museum Handbook and other guidance. The updates will enable park staff to make informed decisions on museum environment issues, providing them with practical guidance on monitoring and assessing local climate and the collections environment, as well as on controlling the impact of temperature, humidity and light on collections and controlling the environment sustainably in furnished historic structures. Other duties include researching current museum practices on the Web. Excellent writing skills are essential (400 hours).
2217. National Capital Region, Cultural Landscapes Program: Works with and assists historians, historical landscape architects and other preservation professionals to complete various Cultural Landscape Inventories associated with a variety of National Park sites in the Washington, DC metropolitan area (DC, MD, VA, WV). Duties include researching the landscape history of a historic property; site visits and field work to document existing conditions with photographs and maps; analyzing landscape features; and entering the information into a database. Knowledge of cultural landscapes, landscape architecture, and the National Register criteria preferred. Strong computer, research, and writing skills essential; working knowledge of graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator and/or CAD) beneficial (400 hours).
2218. National Capital Region, Museum Resource Center: As a museum technician, assists MRCE staff with museum outreach, research, accessioning, processing, cataloging and preparing museum collections for long-term curatorial storage. Position offers exposure to all aspects of professional museum work and the opportunity to be part of a team of museum professionals at a large Federal repository, working with a wide variety of museum collections at the Center, including historic furnishings, natural history collections, archival documents, and historic photographs. Collections come from NPS-administered historic homes and sites throughout the region, including Ford?s Theater National Historic Site; Frederick Douglass National Historic Site; Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial; and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Collection. Located in Landover, MD a close in suburb of Washington, DC with easy Metro subway access (400 hours).
2219. National Capital Region, Museum Resource Center, Regional Archeology Program: Assists Program staff in daily laboratory tasks including but not limited to processing, cataloging and packaging archeological objects and preparing them for long-term curatorial storage. Following cataloging, all information will be entered into the Interior Collections Management System (ICMS ? the Department of Interior?s cataloging system). Other duties include database management; reviewing incoming collections; organizing primary archeological documents; and reorganizing collections storage. A general knowledge of prehistoric and historic artifacts required. Located in Landover, MD a close in suburb of Washington, DC with easy Metro subway access (400 hours).
2220. National Capital Region, National Register Program: Works with and assists National Register historian to complete various National Register Nominations and Nomination Updates and other ongoing National Register projects associated with a variety of National Park sites in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. Duties include researching historic resources; possible site visits and field work to document the resources through descriptions, photographs, and maps; preparation of National Register Nomination documentation; and entering the information into a database. Knowledge of historic architecture, architecture, and the National Register criteria preferred; experience with the Secretary of the Interior?s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties beneficial. Strong computer, research, and writing skills essential; working knowledge of graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator and/or CAD) beneficial (400 hours).
2221. National Capital Region, Historical Architecture Program: Works with and assists architectural historian and other preservation professionals to identify, inventory and evaluate National Park Service owned historic and prehistoric structures in National Park sites, and to complete Historic Structures Reports and other documents. Duties include researching the history of historic properties; site visits to document existing conditions of listed structures with photographs; and entering the information into the national inventory database. Knowledge of historic architecture, architecture, and the National Register criteria preferred; experience with the Secretary of the Interior?s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties beneficial. Strong computer, research, and writing skills essential; working knowledge of graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop & InDesign and/or CAD) beneficial (400 hours).
2222. National Capital Region, Architectural Conservation Program: Works with and assists the Regional Architectural Conservator to perform treatments on National Park Service owned monuments and structures in National Park sites. Duties include researching the history of historic properties; site visits to document existing conditions with photographs; performing treatments and documenting them with photographs and reports. Knowledge of historic architecture and of conservation treatments preferred; experience with the Secretary of the Interior?s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties beneficial. Strong computer, research, and writing skills essential; working knowledge of graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop & InDesign and/or CAD) beneficial (400 hours).
2223. Historic Preservation Training Center (HPTC): Assists Senior Historical Architect (registered architect) in ongoing historic preservation projects at National Park Service and National Cemetery units. Duties include field inspection, historic fabric investigation, field documentation, condition assessments of historic structures and preparation of Historic Structure Assessment Reports. Applicants (architecture students preferred) should be familiar with historic construction methodology and historic preservation philosophy including The Secretary of the Interior?s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Hands-on experience with field documentation, material assessment and solid writing skills are a bonus ??? please articulate these skills in your application. This internship may qualify for AIA Student/ NCARB IDP credits. Position may require travel throughout the metro Washington DC area (DC, MD, VA, WV) and possibly further. Additional information about this summer?s projects may be available after February 29, 2012; contact Senior Historical Architect Tom Vitanza, RA, AIA at . Information about the Center may be found at . Located at HPTC headquarters, Frederick, MD (400 ? 480 hours).
2224/2225. Northeast Region, History Program: Works primarily as an assistant on a variety of National Register (NR) and research projects related to history in Northeast Region National Parks, the history of the National Park Service, and cultural resources management. NR projects may include review and editing of NR documentation; crafting correspondence with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPOs); and researching and writing Determination of Eligibility (DOE) evaluations for park resources. History research projects may include reviewing and editing administrative histories and historic resource studies, and providing background research for these studies. Duties may also include refining the History Program?s Web site. Excellent writing skills required; some experience with the National Register of Historic Places beneficial. Position is a good match for graduate students in American history, American studies, historic architecture and landscape, and preservation studies. Located in Boston, MA (400 hours).
2226. Southeast Region, Cultural Landscapes Program: Assists the Region?s Cultural Landscapes Inventory (CLI) team. The CLI is a web-based evaluated inventory of all significant cultural landscapes ??? such as historic sites, designed landscapes and vernacular landscapes ??? in the National Park System. Duties include mapping historic properties; writing historical and existing condition narratives; analyzing cultural landscape features; and entering this data into the online CLI website. Additional work may include formatting Cultural Landscape Reports. Experience with ArcGIS 10 and AutoCAD essential; strong research and writing skills also necessary, as well as knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite. Located in Atlanta, GA, but may include travel to one or more NPS units within the Southeast Region (480 hours).
2227/2228. Midwest Region, Museum Collections and Records Management Program: Works with the Staff Curator, Midwest Region. Duties include writing a housekeeping plan, integrated pest management plan and scope of collections statement for the Midwest Regional Office Cultural Resources Directorate; and processing and cataloging archival materials as reported on the fiscal year 2011 Collections Management Report (CMR) using the Department of the Interior?s official software, the Interior Collections Management System (ICMS). Museum studies or archives management background preferred, but attention to detail also important. Housing and transportation are the intern?s responsibility. Located in Omaha, NE (480 hours).
2229/2230. Midwest Region, National Register Programs: Working closely with the National Register Programs staff, will assist with and receive credit for the creation of a Travel Itinerary for the Madison, Indiana, Historic District National Historic Landmark (NHL). For an example of a travel itinerary, please see, and see for the home page of the ?Discover Our Shared Heritage Itinerary Series.? Excellent research and writing skills, knowledge of the National Register, strong organizational skills, and interest in historic properties desirable. Travel to historic Madison, Indiana, required and will be funded by the program. Local housing and transportation are the intern?s responsibility. Internship to be completed between May 1 and September 15, 2012. Located in Omaha, NE (400 hours).
2231. Midwest Region, National Register Programs: Working with the National Register Programs staff, assists with the production of a National Historic Landmarks (NHLs) newsletter, including producing the lead article in the newsletter, and will receive editorship credit for the publication. Other duties include assisting with condition assessments of NHLs in the Midwest Region; NHL nomination revisions; and assisting with development of a Travel Itinerary for the Madison, Indiana, Historic District National Historic Landmark. Excellent research and writing skills, familiarity with Adobe InDesign program, knowledge of the National Register, strong organizational skills, and interest in historic properties desirable. Some travel required and will be funded by the program. Local housing and transportation are the intern?s responsibility. Internship to be completed between May 1 and September 15, 2012. Located in Omaha, NE (400 hours).
2232/2233. Midwest Region Historic Architecture and Cultural Landscapes Inventory Program: Works with and assists Historic Landscape Architects, Landscape Historians, Historians, and Historical Architects with research and data processing/entry for the List of Classified Structures (LCS) and Cultural Landscapes Inventory (CLI) databases in fulfillment of section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, for National Parks in the Midwest Region. Duties include researching site history; analyzing architectural and landscape features; and processing/entering the information into the LCS and CLI databases. There is limited potential for site visits and field work to document existing conditions with photographs and maps. Knowledge of architecture, cultural landscapes, landscape architecture, and the National Register criteria preferred; strong computer, research, and writing skills essential; working knowledge of graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop) beneficial. Opportunity for all preservation fields with an interest in the study of historic architecture and landscapes. Candidates selected for an interview will be required to submit a writing sample demonstrating their ability to clearly articulate research findings in a narrative format. Located in Omaha, NE (480 hours).
2234. Midwest Region, Planning Program: Works with landscape architects and interdisciplinary study team conducting congressionally mandated Special Resource Study to determine the significance, desirability and feasibility of adding Eastern Sites and Segments, in several Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and Southern states, to the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail as a formal Trail extension. Duties involve substantial field survey work and travel and include landscape evaluations, site and segment documentation and field verification of mapped data to support a National Historic Trail Extension feasibility determination based on National Trails System Act criteria. Knowledge of planning principles and cultural landscapes preferred; strong computer, research, writing, and communication skills essential, as is the ability to work in a mobile team environment in variable climatic, topographic, urban and isolated rural environments. Opportunity for all preservation fields as well as students interested in planning, recreation, and landscape architecture. 400 hours during summer 2012 may be extended to 800 hours into fall 2012. Travel expenses for field evaluation portion of study funded by the program. Located in Omaha, NE with travel to Study locations (400-800 hours).
2235. Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Facility Management Division (Architect or Landscape Architect): Assists Facility Manager, Landscape Architect and Facilities Management Specialist with work including but not limited to construction inspection, design of historic rehabilitation projects, collection of historic structure information, and evaluation of cyclic and rehabilitation needs for entry into facility management software system. Duties may involve measuring, photographing, researching, documenting cultural components, information collection, historic research, drafting plans, writing specifications, cost estimating, grant writing, and other on-site investigations work. Useful knowledge and skills include architecture or landscape architecture background, training in historic preservation and construction experience; knowledge of typical computer programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, CAD, and programs for Internet and email access) necessary. Applicants should be in excellent physical condition, may expect to work at elevations between 1,000? and 2,500? and occasionally hike moderate distances over rough terrain with day packs and light equipment. Please provide examples of your work if possible. Housing provided inside or outside the park. Located in Sulphur, OK, between Dallas-Ft. Worth, TX and Oklahoma City, OK, with work in the proposed Platt National Park Historic Landmark District and Lake District (480 hours).
2236/2237. Intermountain Region, Historic Structures Inventory Program: Works with and assists architectural historian and other preservation professionals to identify, inventory and evaluate National Park Service owned historic and prehistoric structures in National Park sites in MT, WY, CO, UT, AZ, NM, OK and TX. Duties include researching the history of historic properties; site visits to document existing conditions of listed structures with photographs; and entering the information into the national inventory database. Knowledge of historic architecture, architecture, and the National Register program preferred; computer skills essential; a working knowledge of graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop) and Excel important. Located in Santa Fe, NM (2236: 640 hours; 2237: 480 hours).
2238. Grand Teton National Park, Cultural Resources Program: Archeology intern will aid and assist professional resource specialists with on-the-ground field studies to identify cultural, historical, and/or pre-historical resources. Duties may include designing and conducting inventories; compiling and interpreting collected data; researching reference materials; collecting and managing GIS data; writing reports on inventory activities; or preparing documents for determination of eligibility to the National Register of Historic Places or Section 106 compliance for the National Historic Preservation Act. As a condition of being selected, applicant must be physically fit in order to carry out the duties of the position. Archeological survey work may be performed on steep terrain and in front country or backcountry areas. Graduate students studying archeology or related field preferred; previous field experience required. Park housing available; subsidy available based on qualifications. Located in Moose, WY, approximately 10 miles from Jackson Hole (400 hours).
2239. Grand Teton National Park, Western Center for Historic Preservation: Assists park historic preservation team with this year?s field projects on National Register structures, with opportunities for developing techniques in historic fabric repair and conservation. Duties may involve both office and field work, depending on intern?s skills and planning requirements of the preservation program, and will include exposure to hands-on treatment of historic structures and preservation practices as they apply to the carpentry, masonry, and woodshop trades, as well as field and shop work on vernacular log structures and their components including windows/doors/trim/and foundations. Construction, wood crafting, AutoCAD, computer and/or backcountry outdoor skills are a plus and should be emphasized in the application or a resume. Assistance with finding housing will be provided but is the intern?s responsibility. Located in Moose, WY, approximately 10 miles from Jackson Hole, but may have field assignments anywhere in the park (400 hours).
2240. Grand Teton National Park, Western Center for Historic Preservation: Assists historic preservation specialists and cultural resource specialists with planning and fieldwork on park preservation projects. Duties may involve both office and field work, depending on intern?s skills and work plans for this year?s projects, and will include exposure to hands-on preservation fieldwork on vernacular log structures located at 7,000? elevation. Other activities may include technical writing; historic structures database information collection; conducting historical research; architectural drafting; and onsite investigation work. Knowledge of AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, MS software applications, digital photography, and the ability to work with a team or independently required. Assistance with finding housing will be provided but is the intern?s responsibility. Located in Moose, WY, approximately 10 miles from Jackson Hole (400 Hrs).
2241/2242. Pacific West Region, Cultural Landscapes Program: Works with and assists historical landscape architects and other preservation professionals to complete Cultural Landscape Inventories (CLIs) located at various National Park sites in California. Duties may include researching the landscape history of a historic property; site visits and field work to document existing conditions; analyzing landscape features; developing site plans; writing narrative sections for the CLIs; and entering information into databases. Knowledge of cultural landscapes, landscape architecture, and the National Register criteria preferred; strong research skills, writing skills, and a working knowledge of graphics programs (Adobe Creative Suite) essential. Majority of time will be spent in an office setting with some travel to the parks. Travel costs for fieldwork covered by NPS but housing and transportation in San Francisco are the intern?s responsibility. Opportunity for all preservation fields with an interest in the study of historic landscapes. Located in San Francisco, CA (400 hours).
2243/2244. Yosemite National Park, Branch of History, Architecture and Landscapes (HAL): Assists Historical Architects and Historical Landscape Architects with inventory, documenting, and evaluating National Register structures, cultural landscapes, and historic park studies. Duties may involve both office and field work, depending on intern?s skills and ongoing projects undertaken by the HAL program, and may include measuring and photographing historic buildings; researching and documenting cultural landscapes; historic structures database information collection and data entry; conducting historical research; architectural drafting; onsite investigation; and crossover duties with the park?s Heritage Preservation Team for hands-on preservation work. Useful knowledge and skills include solid training in historic preservation, training and/or experience in preparing National Register nominations, an architecture/landscape architecture background, construction skills, good writing skills, experience with AutoCAD, ArcView and documenting with Global Positioning System equipment. Applicants should expect to work at elevations between 2,000? and 8,000? and may hike long distances over rough terrain with day packs and equipment. Located in El Portal, CA at the park?s west entrance but may have field assignments anywhere in the park (480 hours, to be completed between mid-May and September).
2245. Redwood National Park (Archives or Museum Technician): Assists with archives and museum collection management for Redwood NP and several other national park museum collections housed at Redwood. Duties include inventory and re-housing historic documents, photographs and map collections; helping implement the Parks? Archives Collection Processing Plan; as well as working on preventive conservation projects to meet professional museum storage standards. Museum studies or archives management background preferred. Attention to detail and a willingness to learn are also important. Transportation may be provided as well as a housing stipend. Will help with locating housing. Located in Orick, CA near Eureka (960 hours).
2246. Mount Rainier National Park: Assists the Park Historical Architect on a variety of tasks. Work will include both office and field work in historic structure documentation and development of treatment recommendations. May include hiking to remote locations at high altitudes. Working knowledge of basic architectural terminology and historic preservation principles and practices required. Experience with National Register nomination process desirable; strong computer, research, and writing skills essential; skills in graphics programs (Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator and/or CAD) beneficial. Located in Longmire, WA with field assignments throughout the park (400 hours).
Department of the Interior Internships
2247. Interior Museum Program, Office of the Secretary: Assists with Department-wide projects of the DOI Interior Museum Program and the Interagency Federal Collections Alliance. Activities include researching and drafting policy guidance documents; preparing material for training courses; researching issues on various topics dealing with federal museum property; and updating the Interior Museum Program and Interagency Federal Collections Alliance websites (600 hours).
2248. Interior Museum Program, Fish and Wildlife Service: Duties include examining FWS museum collection data and certifying its accuracy, contacting Regional archeologists, field station managers and FWS repository staff to verify museum data. Other tasks involve working with FWS personnel to add and expand on data currently recorded, including completing data fields for the FWS annual report and assisting the Deputy Federal Preservation Officer with reporting requirements both at FWS and DOI. Travel may be required to examine museum collections in close proximity to the FWS headquarters including those held at our National Training Center. Located in Arlington, VA (400 hours).
2249. Interior Museum Program, Bureau of Land Management, Eastern States, Southeastern States Office: Assists BLM and Florida Atlantic University staff in identifying, sorting, cataloging, inventorying, and rehousing BLM archeological collections and associated documentation from Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area. Collections consist largely of historic archeological material. Located in Boca Raton, FL (480 hours).
2250. Interior Museum Program, Bureau of Land Management, New Mexico State Office: Assists with research of BLM archeological collections (objects and records) at the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico. Duties include creating spreadsheets of the collections, sortable by: BLM Field Office jurisdiction, site number (LA number) or other field designation, originating project, museum tracking numbers (catalogue, box), storage location, condition of objects (stable/unstable), curation needs (e.g., storage upgrade), and NAGPRA flags (e.g., burial materials). Located in Albuqueque, NM (600 hours).
2251. Interior Museum Program, Bureau of Land Management, Utah ? Monticello Field Office: Assists Field Office in preparing BLM archeological collections for curation at the Edge of the Cedars Museum. The Field Office also maintains a set of site forms and reports at the museum and the intern will assist with digitization and archiving BLM materials at the museum. Located in Monticello, UT (480 hours).
2252. Interior Museum Program, Bureau of Land Management, California State Office: Assists with State Office work on the curation of vertebrate fossils from BLM lands located at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology in Claremont, CA. Duties will focus on the curation of vertebrate fossils, particularly collections from the Miocene-aged Barstow Formation of southern California and the Cretaceous-aged Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah. Work may include fossil identification, basic curation and conservation of specimens, and entry of specimens into the museum database. Background in geology and/or paleontology preferred; applicants should be familiar with Microsoft Office. Located in Claremont, CA (400 hours).
2253/2254. Interior Museum Program, Bureau of Land Management, Anasazi Heritage Center (AHC): Serves as a general curatorial assistant involved in a variety of curatorial tasks. Duties include entering a considerable amount of data in the museum?s cataloging system, as well as assisting with various repackaging, reorganizing, and inventory projects of existing collections at the AHC. Position offers a broad exposure to the curatorial operations of a Federal repository. Located in Dolores, CO (480 hours).
2255. Interior Museum Program, Bureau of Land Management, Anasazi Heritage Center (AHC): Duties may include work on the permanent exhibits in the Main Exhibits Gallery; work on traveling loan exhibits; loan tracking, marketing, repairs or enhancements to existing exhibits, and/or development of new exhibit offerings; work on temporary exhibits in the Special Exhibit Gallery; developing and installing a thematic exhibit, while working closely with the AHC Curator and Exhibit Specialist; or creation of outdoor installations or interpretive literature for hikers and other non-museum recreational users for Canyons of the Ancients National Monument. Located in Dolores, CO (480 hours)
General Services Administration Internships
2256. General Services Administration (Historic Preservation Specialist): Assists the Historic Buildings Program Manager and staff in coordinating activities and initiatives to maintain the functionality, integrity, and economic viability of 480 public buildings controlled by GSA and to increase GSA leasing of historic buildings and reuse of historic buildings on sites the Government acquires for new construction. Conducts research, prepares educational material on GSA?s historic buildings, and provides guidance and support to GSA headquarters and regional staff. Also coordinates with preservation specialists in educational, non-profit, and public institutions outside GSA to respond to requests for assistance. Advanced professional-level research and writing skills required, to prepare historic building brochure copy with minimal supervision. Knowledge of architectural terminology and historic preservation theory and practice essential; experience with software programs for digital image manipulation helpful. Writing sample(s) required; please submit with application (400 hours).
Department of Defense Internships
2257. Department of Defense, Cultural Resources Program: Assists DoD Deputy Federal Preservation Officer via the DoD Legacy Program. Work involves collecting, writing and synthesizing information related to cultural resources on military-managed lands. Duties include archival research of archeological permits; assessment of archived information; writing information briefs, etc. Located in Arlington, VA (400 hours).
Department of the Navy Internships
2258. Department of the Navy, Washington Navy Yard: Duties include researching fulfillment of mitigation measures specified in 30 Memoranda of Agreement; compiling a report on findings and submitting it to the State Historic Preservation Office; completing and/or filing minor mitigation projects if needed; and completing small research and documentation projects at various installations. Understanding of research, survey and documentation standards required. Located in Washington, DC with unaccompanied day trips to installations and SHPOs in DC, MD and VA (400 hours).
2259. Department of the Navy, Naval Support Facility Indian Head: Duties include combining various historic contexts into a single, comprehensive document; compiling prints from historic slides and a reference document; conducting site visits to verify information required for Section 110 and 106 consultations, and participating in meetings to develop potential project impacts on cultural resources and plan accordingly. Strong writing skills and understanding of research, survey and documentation standards required. Located in Indian Head, MD (400 hours).
2260. Department of the Navy, Naval Air Station Patuxent River: Duties include conducting installation-focused cultural resource activities including project review for Section 106 compliance, archeological and historic architectural fieldwork, and project monitoring; and completing small research and documentation projects at NAS Patuxent River and other installations. Understanding of research, survey and documentation standards required. Located at Patuxent River, MD (400 hours).
Veterans Administration Internships
2261/2262/2263.Department of Veterans Affairs, Historic Preservation Program: Assists in coordinating preservation program activities and initiatives, including inventories, collections management documentation, and provenance research of archival collections. Duties include performing historical research and analysis to support preservation studies and interpretation on various subjects, documenting the significance and context of VA historic properties and cultural resources, and developing reports of findings, context narratives, timelines, fact sheets, and other materials, as needed; conducting inventories and research to authenticate or validate information, creating statistical or audio visual materials, and developing surveys, as needed; consulting with the local community concerning federal, state, and local historic preservation practices and programs, and providing assistance to the public or other VA offices, as assigned, under direction of the VA Federal Preservation Officer; assisting with creating or contributing to facility history files on VA facilities, developing community contact lists, and identifying and recording historic materials and memorabilia associated with historic buildings and sites; communicating with various professional organizations regarding cultural resources of local, regional, state, and national significance; and providing general assistance to the VA Federal Preservation Officer, as needed. Required skills include proficiency in Microsoft Office and relational databases such as Microsoft Access; strong historical research and writing skills; strong communication and organizational skills; general office duties, database entry, and filing; and knowledge of historic preservation theory and practice. Background in history, architectural history, historic preservation, anthropology, archives or collections management preferred. One internship each located in Washington, DC; West Los Angeles, CA; and Bay Pines, FL (400 hours)
For all internships, computer and word processing skills are desirable.
To be eligible, you must be currently enrolled in an academic program in historic preservation or an allied field, or very recently graduated (degree received December 2010 or later). Interns are not eligible to work more than 1200 hours in this program; previous interns in the program must stay within this overall limit.
Salary or Pay Rate
How To Apply
Please visit for more information and application instructions.
Applications must be received no later than March 2, 2012.
Additional Information
Please be aware that, unless otherwise noted, interns are responsible for travel to and housing at the internship location. This should be kept in mind particularly for those internships in the West. In some cases the supervising office may be able to assist in locating housing but it is ultimately up to the individual accepting the internship to find accommodations.
Also be aware that, due to Government-wide security requirements, a background check will be required for any position which involves access to Government computers, if you are chosen for that position. This may include providing information about recent housing and employment history, and those positions may require US citizenship or possession of a valid student visa to complete the check. The position supervisor will have more information on requirements and procedures at the time of hiring.
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