Saturday, February 18, 2012

Thyroid Cancer Survival Rate ? Low or High Rates? | Fitness and ...

By Kathy Jenkins

If you?re wondering the normal thyroid cancer survival rate, there?s nothing to worry about due to the high survival rate. It could possibly be regarded a cancer but not as critical as leukemia and breast cancer. The five year survival rate is 95%. This indicates the great chance of a patient to survive. Nevertheless, you ought not feel too confident about this health condition. It is still advisable that you get treatment without delay especially if the tumor or lump has not yet become malignant. Plus, you are able to spend a much cheaper medical expense if you get treated during the initial phases.

Thyroid cancer generally affects women than men. Based on results, it?s really difficult to give an absolute explanation why women mostly get this condition than men. Yet, the sources of this cancer are the same in both men and women. It must be about hereditary or radiation exposure.

Thyroid cancer is classified into four main groups namely papillary thyroid cancer, follicular thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid cancer, and anaplastic thyroid cancer. All of these four groups have their own thyroid cancer survival rate as well.

The most typical type of thyroid cancer is papillary thyroid cancer. Even though, this type is treatable easily. Papillary thyroid cancer survival rates actually depend upon the stages which range from 50 to 100%. The early stages of this type of thyroid cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 99%. On the contrary, the final stages have lower survival rate from 93 to 50%.

In comparison with papillary, follicular thyroid cancer is more complicated but only during the final stages. The survival rate of follicular during the early stages has the same papillary thyroid cancer survival rate. If it reaches stage 3, it is 70%. The final stage has also a 5-year survival rate of only 50%.

The third type of this cancer is medullary. Medullary thyroid cancer survival rate is 85% during the early stages because of the probability of affecting the lymph nodes. The stage 3 of this type of cancer is that it lowers down to 80%. The last stage has the lowest rate and that is only 28%.

Anaplastic is the fourth type of thyroid cancer. It is very popular in men and women who are above 60 years old. The survival rate of this type of thyroid cancer is the lowest. The first stages hold the rates from 80 to 90%. The stage 3 thyroid cancer survival rate is from 40 to 60%. The very last stage has a rate of 10%.

Whatever the type or stage of this cancer, if you might have it you should seek treatment immediately. Do not wait until it is malignant. As you can tell, the thyroid cancer survival rates can be very high or too low. The high or low rate is not that important at all in this case. Once the cancer is detected, the one thing that is important is its treatment. The best part of all this is that there is treatment. Surgery of the lumps or nodules is the most typical way of treating this cancer. Sometimes, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are also included as treatments. The thyroid cancer survival rate has actually improved because of the advancement in treatments.

Kathy Jenkins contributes advice about Cancer along with Stomach Cancer Survival Rate. To be aware of more about Throat Cancer Survival Rate just click here.


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